Creating a Single Billing Summary

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Creating a Billing Summary Video - This video shows how to generate a billing summary for both a single client and in a batch.

To generate a single Billing Summary for a client, group, or account, do the following:

  1. Go to either the Client Management or Portfolio Management tab.

  2. From the left-hand navigation pane, select the Billing page.

  3. On the toolbar, click the Billing Summary icon. The Select a Writable Client/Group/Account dialog box opens.

  4. From the Within drop-down field, select a search universe (Clients, Groups, Accounts).

  5. Click Go to see all results.

    Note: To narrow the list of results, type a name in the find field before clicking Go.

  6. Click on the client, group or account you wish to bill and click OK. The Report Options dialog box opens.


  7. Use the table below for instructions on how to fill out the fields in this dialog box.

    Field Name Instructions
    Cover Page You can include a cover page with the Billing Summary. If you have included your logo in Morningstar Office's settings (Home>Settings>Preferences), this will also appear on the cover page.
    Start Date/End Date Select a start date and end date for the information which should appear on the Billing Summary. This date range will include all fee data generated during that time period.
    Overwrite existing Management Fee Data If you are re-generating this Billing Summary after making changes to management fee settings, check the Overwrite existing management fee data box to update the Billing Summary. Note that any billing items (adjustments, payment, service charge, etc.) you have created will be deleted by checking this box.
    Include accounts excluded from management fee in Report Check the Include accounts excluded from management fee in Report box to show accounts on the Billing Summary that are not being billed as having a management fee of $0. (Otherwise, unbilled accounts do not appear at all). Note that this feature will only work if you are billing at the client level using Client Setting/Aggregate Balance or if you are billing at the group level using Group Setting/Aggregate Balance and have selected No for the Include Management Fee option on the Account Setting Assignments page
    Deduct Other Fees from Custodian Accounts

    If you have generated additional fees (using the New Billing icon) and you intend to deduct those fees from the custodian account, check the Deduct other fees from custodian account box. The fees will be allocated across the client's account according to the allocation settings that you have applied for the client. The total amount due from the client will appear as $0.00.

    This feature will not work if you are billing an individual account.

    Mask Account Number

    Check this box to hide the client’s account numbers on the Billing Summary report.

    Add disclosure to cover page

    If you have selected a billing disclosure within your management fees settings and wish to include it with the Billing Summary, check the Add disclosure to cover page box.

    Add blank 2nd page

    To include a blank second page, check the Add blank 2nd page box.

  8. Click OK to generate the Billing Summary. Once the report has generated, you can print it, save it locally (to your hard drive), or save it to Morningstar Office.