Reconciling Holding Out of Balances (Except Cash)

There are times when you will have a holding Out of Balance (OOB) due to a missing transaction, duplicate transaction, or a unique scenario.  These OOB need to be researched out and then a transaction will need to be added, deleted, or edited to resolve the OOB.  Security OOB should be researched out before Cash OOB because in most cases, once you successfully reconcile your security OOB, the Cash OOB will resolve itself.  Example:  If you enter in a Sell for a fund, a deposit will automatically be created for Cash. 

If you have a significant increase in OOB while importing your daily data, then there may be a larger issue at hand, such as a missing file.  In this scenario, you would follow the researching steps listed below for several holdings before resolving each account to determine if there is a trend.  Example:  If you notice that you are missing a transaction in many accounts that all had the same trade date, then this may indicated that you are missing that day’s files. 

Holding Out of Balances Examples

Missing Sell:

Missing Buy:

Missing Distribution Reinvest:

Researching a Holding Out of Balance



Determine when the OOB occurred.

The first step when researching an OOB is to determine when the transaction occurred.

Click here for information on how to determine when this has occurred.

Compare Morningstar Transactions against Custodian Transactions

Compare the Morningstar transactions against the custodian files.

Click here for information on how to make the comparisons.

Review the Audit Report

If you cannot find any discrepancies after the Last Successful Reconciled date, then most likely something was changed after this date on an earlier transaction. If there were any changes or deletions made to any transaction in the account, it will be noted in the Audit Report, including the date the change\deletion was made.

Click here for instructions on finding updated or deleted transactions within the Audit Report.

Researching Custodian Specific Cause

In some cases the out of balance is specific to the custodian.

Forcing the OOB Transaction

As a last resort, you can force the OOB transaction to balance.

Click here for information on how to force a holding into balance.

Fix the Discrepancy

Once you have found the OOB, you can add, edit, or delete transactions as needed.

Click here for information on how to change transactions in the Reconciliation blotter.

Custodian Specific Causes for Holding Out of Balances

In some cases, custodian specific causes could be the reason for the Holding OOB.

DST Data

DST sends only the market value for Fixed Annuities down each month.  The market value imports in as the number of shares and the price stays $1.  These Fixed Annuity values change each month, however there are no transactions sent down to account for this value change.  Morningstar has a tool that is available within the DST FAN Mail Import interface only, to generate distribution reinvest transactions for the market value difference.  This can be done during the monthly reconciliation.  Click here for more information on this, including step by step instructions.

Missing Distribution Reinvest transaction example:

Fidelity Data

You may experience an issue with missing transactions (typically distributions) on a certain day. This usually occurs when the files are manually downloaded. For more information, see Removing Duplicate Transactions When Posting.