Import Error: We are having difficulties importing/posting all of your imported data due to a fatal error.

This warning could affect your data in one of three ways: all of your data posted, some of your data posted, or none of your data posted.

How do I handle this error?

You can go into each account to verify the transactions have posted. Or, it might be more efficient to remove the post in its entirety and re-import the data.

To remove the post:

  1. Return to the Import screen that lists your Import Interfaces

  2. Click the View Post History button.

  3. Select the post that matches the date range of your current post.

Note: Keep track of the date of the post as you will need to manually enter the same date range of the soon-to-be-removed post.

  1. Click the Remove Post button.

  2. Re-import the data.

Note: When you re-import the data, be sure to change the data range to that of the previous post. Also, when re-importing, you will see two warning messages. Answer OK to the first message which asks, "Are you sure you want to continue with this start date?" Click "No" for the second warning that states, "Click Yes to verify on the Account blotter. Click No to continue to Transaction Blotter."

Cause of Fatal Error

A Fatal Error occurs when there is a loss in internet connectivity or data is unable to reach the target location. Usually the cause of a Fatal Error is due to a Morningstar server issue. Morningstar has many processes in place to monitor and prevent these types of occurrences, however sometimes unexpected situations take place that result in an issue that must be addressed by our IT team. Although, Fatal Errors are typically caused by server issues, if you continue to receive a fatal error for an extended amount of time and Morningstar has not indicated that there is a server issue, then you should call Product Support, 866-215-2503, for assistance.

How long do server issues last?

Typically server issues last thirty to sixty minutes. Morningstar has processes in place to be able to quickly identify when server issues occur. Once a problem is identified, fixing the issue is Morningstar’s top priority. However, depending on the cause of the issue, it could take longer to resolve. 

How will I know when the issue is resolved?

If the problem is expected to last for an extended amount of time, a message will be posted on the Morningstar Office login page. Once the issue is resolved, we will remove the message. You can retry importing and posting after an hour or when a posted server message is removed from the login page