
Exclude Holding from Reconciliation

Morningstar Office allows you to exclude a holding in an account from reconciliation during the data import process. You would typically use this utility if there is a holding you have manually added to an account for reporting purposes, but is not actually held in this account and imported in from the custodian. Keep in mind when performing this process, the transactional data for the holding will still post to the account.

The process for excluding a holding from reconciliation is as follows:

  1. Go to the Failed Reconciliation results section within your import blotter.

  2. Place a check in the box next to the security you would like to exclude from reconciliation.

  3. From the toolbar above the grid, click on Action, and then Exclude Holding.

  4. The system prompts with a dialog box asking if you are sure you want to exclude the holding. Click Yes.

  5. After clicking Yes, the holding is removed from the failed blotter and added to the Excluded Holdings blotter. Click on the Excluded Holdings page to view all excluded securities for this custodian.

How to Include an Excluded Holding from Reconciliation

To reverse the exclusion of a holding from the reconciliation process and now include that security, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Excluded Holdings blotter.

  2. Place a check in the box next to the security you would like to include in the reconciliation process.

  3. From the toolbar above the grid, click on Action, and then Include Holding.

  4. When prompted, click Yes to include the selected holding.

  5. After clicking Yes, the holding is moved to the Reconciliation Blotter results.

How to Confirm a Security Has Been Excluded from Reconciliation for a Transactional Account

You may confirm that a holding has been excluded from inside a transactional account by following these steps:

  1. Open a transactional account and go to the Holdings Summary page.

  2. Place a check in the box next to the holding.

  3. From the toolbar above the grid, click on Action, and then Holding Settings.

  1. The Exclude from Holding Reconciliation option should be checked.

Note:  You can not uncheck this box to include it in reconciliation.  To include it in reconciliation, you must follow the process for Including an Excluded Security from Reconciliation above.

The Exclude from Holding Reconciliation option only applies for holdings excluded from the reconciliation blotter.  This checkbox does not apply to the Import Security Exclusion located in the definition master.

See Also

Import Security Exclusion