
Set Currency/Exchange Filters

Set Currency Filters

Set Exchange Filters

Import Security Matching

When importing securities into Morningstar Office, the import process attempts to automatically map your imported securities to Morningstar-tracked securities, allowing you to take advantage of Morningstar’s extensive research capabilities. There are a number of system rules that are involved in the security matching process. Some rules are configurable and others are not.  

Morningstar-tracked securities are stored in different security type universes.  If the security type is provided by your import source, the process will attempt to match that security to a Morningstar security corresponding to the security type universe.  

For example, if your import source categorizes your imported security as an Exchange-Traded Fund, the process will only look in Morningstar’s ETF universe for a potential match. If a security is found, the process creates the mapping. If no match is found or your import source does not provide a security type, the process will search across all Morningstar security type universes.

Morningstar tracks securities globally. In many cases, the same security is traded on many exchanges throughout the world. Therefore, occasionally you will receive a “Multiple Securities Found” message in the Securities blotter.  When you encounter this error, you can double-click on the error icon, which will launch a security selection screen displaying the results of the security matching search. Here, you can select the security that best fits your researching needs.

Due to your securities trading all over the world, receiving this “Multiple Securities Found” error over and over again can become a nuisance. Therefore, you can configure your security matching process by manually selecting the countries where your securities may be trading.

Note: If both exchange and currency filters are set, the exchange filter will be applied first, and the result set will be filtered by the currency filter next. If there is no security matched exchange filter, the multiple matched securities would be filtered by the currency filter.

Note: The security matching process will pick the first match from the selected and checked exchange / currency filter, according to your selected order. This creates a user-defined exchange / currency filter and will reduce the number of "Multiple Securities Found" errors you receive.

Set Currency Filters

To set your currency filter, do the following:

  1. From the Home tab, click the Settings page.

  2. Under the Portfolio Accounting System Settings area, click once on Preferences. The Account Setting dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Set Currency Filter button at the bottom of the dialog box. The Currency Filter dialog box opens. You will see US Dollars listed.

  4. To add or edit the contents of your currency list, click Add/Remove Currencies. The Select Currencies dialog box opens.

  5. From the list of available currencies, click once on a currency you want to add to your filter, then click Add. Note: You can select multiple currencies at once by holding down the <CTRL> key as you click on each item.

  6. If multiple matches for a security you import are found in different currencies, Morningstar maps to the match found highest in your currency list. To move a currency within the list, highlight a currency in the Selected Currency area and then click the up or down arrow to reposition in the list.

  7. Click OK. You are returned to the Set Currency Filter dialog box, where you can see your list of exchanges.

  8. Check the Import Match boxes to apply this filter to the import mapping process.

  9. You may also choose to check the Apply to find Stock Security box for each currency. This applies the filter whenever you search for a stock in Morningstar Office. That is, only results found within the currency you check will be displayed. This can help reduce the number of results that are returned when you search for a stock. If you want to see all results when you search for a stock, leave this box unchecked for each currency.

  10. When you are done, click Save + Close to exit the Set Currency Filter dialog box. You are returned to the Account Setting dialog box.

  11. If you plan to set an Exchange Filter, proceed to step 4 below; if not, click Save +Close to exit.

Set Exchange Filters

To set your exchange filter, do the following:

  1. From the Home tab, click the Settings page.

  2. Under the Portfolio Account System Settings area, click once on Preferences. The Account Setting dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Set Exchange Filter button at the bottom of the dialog box. The Set Exchange Filters dialog box opens.

  4. Click the Add/Remove Exchanges button. The Select Exchange Filters dialog box opens.

  5. From the list of available exchanges, click once on an exchange you want to add to your filter, then click Add. Multiple exchanges can be selected by holding down the <CTRL> key as you click on each item.

  6. If multiple matches for a security you import are found on different exchanges, Morningstar maps to the match found highest in your exchange list. To move an exchange within the list, highlight an exchange in the Selected Exchanges area, then click the up or down arrow.

  7. Click OK. You are returned to the Set Exchange Filter dialog box.

  8. Check the Import Match box to apply this filter to the mapping process while importing.

  9. You may also choose to check the Apply to find Stock Security box for each exchange. This applies the filter whenever you search for a stock in Morningstar Office. That is, only results found within the exchanges you check will be displayed. This can help reduce the number of results that are returned when you search for a stock. If you want to see all results when you search for a stock, leave this box unchecked for each exchange.

  10. Click Save + Close to exit the Set Exchange Filter dialog box. You are returned to the Account Setting dialog box.

  11. Click Save + Close to exit.

You might receive an "Outside domain of exchange and/or currency filters" message after setting up exchange and/or currency filter. This is because the filter settings are inconsistent with the exchange/currency information of the Morningstar security.

There are other built-in security filters that are not configurable. For example, Morningstar tracks both active and inactive securities. However, if the security matching process finds multiple potential matches, it will automatically filter out the inactive ones and auto-map to the active security for your convenience.