In the left navigation pane, click the Client Management tab, and then click Clients or, from the top menu, select New, Client and then choose Individual or Institutional.
The Client Profile record opens where you can input information about the client. All blue fields are required.
Note: The way the information is entered in the Client name field determines the way it is displayed on the grid. For instance, to have the grid alphabetized by last name, you should enter it as Last Name, First Name.
Click the Save button located in the top menu bar. The client information is saved and additional profile areas are then available.
Enter data in each section as it pertains to this client.
Click the Save button when finished to save your client and return to your client list.
Note: Clients can be defined as either Individual or Institutional. The data points associated with each type vary accordingly. For example, institutional clients have Tax IDs and Date of Incorporation associated with them, while individual clients are associated with Social Security Numbers and Birth Dates.
For institutional clients, if you want a name to appear on reports that differs from the name in the Institution Name field, enter it in the Institution Report Name field.