Troubleshooting Guide for Common Import and Reconciliation Issues


Custodian interfaces provide a means for electronically populating client data in the Office product. However, no interface is perfect, and there will always be some situations that must be manually corrected. The Import Blotters highlight items that should be reviewed and corrected before adding the data into your system. This topic will cover some of the most common issues that arise during the import and reconciliation process.

Reconciliation Issues and Instructions on How to Fix Them

Helpful Tools to Assist with the Reconciliation Process


What is reconciliation and Out of Balances (OOB)?

Reconciliation is the process of comparing the share balance in Morningstar to the custodian. Ultimately, you want your Morningstar accounts to reflect the same share balance and activity that occurred at the custodian. An Out of Balance (OOB) is when there is a share balance discrepancy.


How often will I get reconciliation issues?

During the import process, it is expected that you will, from time to time, have reconciliation OOB. This is due to the translation process involved to get the data from one platform to another. You should account for this and should expect to spend time on a periodic basis reconciling your data. The amount of time that you will need to spend on reconciliation issues will depend on how many accounts you are importing, the complexity of the accounts that you import, and the Custodian that you are importing from.


Why do I get reconciliation issues? 

Reconciliation issues result from the translation process. This process is stated below.

    1. The transactions are recorded at the custodian. 

    2. These transactions are then translated by the custodian and given transaction codes to represent the transaction\event that occurred. This process occurs during the file creation process, which usually takes place daily. 

    3. Morningstar will then translate the transaction codes provided in the custodian files into the most appropriate transaction type available within the Morningstar Office program. 

Due to this double translation process there is room for error. Sometimes the same transaction code is used to represent multiple scenarios or there is not a great transaction code to represent a unique situation. Morningstar will use the most popular transaction type for each transaction code, however, this may not be accurate in all instances where this transaction code is used. Morningstar uses all of the information available within the files to choose the best transaction type, including the transaction code and comments provided. If you feel that a transaction is not being imported correctly based on the information provided, please call Morningstar Support at 1-866-215-2503 and we will investigate the specific scenario. 


Are there certain transactions\events that are more likely to cause reconciliation issues?

There are certain transactions\events that are unique and often cause reconciliation issues due to the inability to capture all of the details within the files that are required to correctly process the transactions within Morningstar Office. The most common scenarios include corporate actions, reversals, tender offers, and symbol changes. 


How can I reduce the reconciliation issues I receive?

The best way to reduce reconciliation issues is to import daily. This will reduce error by ensuring that you receive the needed files each day. This will also allow you to research out and resolve reconciliation issues on the day they are received, thus reducing the amount of data to look through to determine the resolution.

Note: Pershing should be imported weekly and DST fund companies can only be reconciled monthly.


What do the colors red and blue signify in the Failed Blotter?

Both colored OOB are share discrepancies between Morningstar and the Custodian that need to be resolved. Below is a description of what each color represents.

Red - Items in red indicate that the custodian recognizes a position but Office recognizes a different position (either no position or just different).

Blue - Items in blue indicate that Office has a position in the holding but the custodian has a zero position in the holding.

Reconciliation Issues and Instructions on How to Fix Them

Helpful Tools to assist with the Reconciliation Process

See Also

Closed Accounts - Generating Closed Transactions

Corporate Action Spin-off Wizard

Exclude Holding from Reconciliation

Excluding an Account from Importing and Reconciliation

Fatal Import Error

Find Transactions Utility

Generating Initial Transactions

Handling Long/Short Option Out of Balances

Import Blotters Overview

Import Security Exclusion

Importing Missing Files

Merger/Exchange Wizard

Reconciling Cash Out of Balances

Reconciling Historically

Reconciling Holding Out of Balances (Except Cash)

Removing Duplicate Transactions when Posting

Split/Reversal Split Wizard

Tender Offer

Viewing and Removing Your Post History